Majority of the owners of Napili Shores choose to use Outrigger as their rental manager, for when units are not used by the owners.This is a way to recoup some of the expenses, like maintenance fees and property tax.
napili shores rent by owner
watch virtual tour. Visiting Napili Shores is like staying with a best friend. The surroundings become immediately familiar and it just feels great to be in a sunny tropical garden, near a beautiful beach at Napili Bay, on private& ...
Napili Shores B-108 (B108) - A Renters Warning. A website to document our terrible experience renting unit B-108 (B108) at Napili Shores in Maui, Hawaii. We rented the unit directly through the owner (using FRBO website)& ...
We will give a summary of our experience renting Napili Shores B-108 (B108) from the owner (through the FRBO website) soon. Until then all we can do is recommend that you do not rent this unit. It was filthy and disgusting.
Majority of the owners of Napili Shores choose to use Outrigger as their rental manager, for when units are not used by the owners.This is a way to recoup some of the expenses, like maintenance fees and property tax.
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