I changed to iPhoto when I got a mac, as Picasa wasn`t available for it then. Now it is. I remember it as being better than iPhoto - so, is it, and should I change back? Advise me, jobs-faces.
Videos: David Vangel – I Heard You Sing Official Video (Counter Future — A Sound Exposure Vol. 3″ (3LP/Digital – Equinox Records, 2013) → &. Releases: zeroh – Bred: A Dedication (Digital – Horez, 2013). Posted on& ...
Legaturile lui Horez cu Primaria Brailei sunt si ele subliniate de Zaharia Gheorghe, care aminteste ca directorul Asociatiei ii oferea “mici atentii de sarbatori sau de ziua sa, domnului primar Cibu, insa nimic mai mult”: “Cu& ...
Evenimente Muzicale ~ Muzica pentru evenimente.
I changed to iPhoto when I got a mac, as Picasa wasn`t available for it then. Now it is. I remember it as being better than iPhoto - so, is it, and should I change back? Advise me, jobs-faces.
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